The Future of Retirement Communities: Walkable and Urban


An emphasis on healthy, compact living in our cities has translated into change for our retirement communities too. As Americans begin to rethink the built environment and the way it shapes our lives, our various residential and recreational models have shifted in accordance.

John Wasik of The New York Times writes of these developments in retirement communities:

“More older people these days are looking for a community where they can enjoy a full life without a car. In the age of the Fitbit and a growing cohort of active, engaged retirees eager to take their daily 10,000 steps, retirement communities have been slow to change. Enter a new paradigm: the walkable, urban space. It may range from existing neighborhoods in places like Brooklyn or San Francisco to newly built housing within city and suburban cores from coast to coast. Walkability, though, is much more than a hip marketing pitch. It’s linked to better health, social engagement and higher property values.”

For the full story, continue reading at The New York Times.