How can we ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live in any neighborhood in any suburb? Great places are inclusive and diverse, but housing and transportation barriers often separate classes and ethnic groups.

The suburbs have a growing share of poor and working class families. If those families live in motor-vehicle-dependent places, the households will be burdened with high transportation costs. As we begin transforming our suburban landscapes, we must ensure that we plan for and accommodate the widest possible range of people and income levels.

Suburb as destination

Tukwila, a suburb of Seattle, wants to transform its commercial heart.

Millennials Actually Like the Suburbs

The suburbs aren’t dying yet.

A Dead Mall Becomes a Downtown for a Sprawling Suburb

A Denver suburb sees a once-vacant mall transformed into a vibrant and walkable downtown.

Tool 2: Finance

Affordable housing in the suburbs too often forces low-income and working-class residents to spend too much on transportation.

Poor people pay for parking even when they can’t afford a car

The real costs of free parking

CNU Building a Better Burb

Retrofit Council meets in Miami & Detroit

Resilient Suburbia